Irena, Intuitive Bodywork Therapist

International Therapy Examination Council Certificate (ITEC) in Anatomy, Physiology and Deep tissue Massage (London) and professional membership in Independent Physical Therapists International (IPTI)

Qualified as Chair Massage practitioner with the Touch-Pro UK & Academy of On-Site Massage (London)

Completed the Training course in Thai Traditional Massage equal to the standard programme in Thailand (London Morley College)

Diploma in Reflexology (London Morley College)

Reiki Master and a Oneness healing facilitator (was initiated in the Golden city in India) to encourage high states of consciousness to stop all suffering on mental, emotional and physical levels

Hatha Yoga Teacher, was trained in Sivananda Vidanta Ashram in South India

Whirling Meditation Teacher, was initiated with Whirling Dervishes of a Mevlana Sufi tradition

A-level in Contemporary Dance and Choreography in London Kensington and Chelsea College

Trained as an Electric Engineer in Moscow, Russia